Solar-Powered Mosquito Trap

October 2021 - April 2022
EN.520.212 ECE Engineering Team Project


  • I worked with 3 undergraduate ECE students at JHU to research and build early prototypes of a solar-powered mosquito trap.
  • The trap should be as affordable as possible and alternate power sources between a LiPo battery and a solar panel.
  • It heats up a semiconductor heating pad to 2 degrees celsuis above ambient temperature, then lures and kills mosquitos with insecticide.
  • Affiliated with the JHU Malaria Research Institude
  • See this link for the Spring 2022 preliminary report.
  • Skills Applied:

  • Arduino Coding, circuit tests, prototyping
  • the 2022 JHU Design Day Poster. Click on image to enlarge.